Family Serie

Diskutiere Family Serie im ..:: Royal SUP 014/015/016 ::.. Forum im Bereich *** SAECO / Philips ***; Hello everybody, I'm not know German language because I'm Italian. I try to read if I can pubblish my question in English language but I have a...
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  • Family Serie Beitrag #1


Dabei seit
Hello everybody,

I'm not know German language because I'm Italian.
I try to read if I can pubblish my question in English language but I have a lot difficult to understand German.
I didn't find a section for "Saeco Family" series and I decide to pubblish here my question.

Sorry if I can't and Sorry especially for my English!

In this days I try to repair my Home coffe machine Saeco Superautomatica Family sup01. The problem is: It don't start.

I check all parts of machine and I found 3 components of electronics circuit burns. 2 diode zener (C6V2 and C15PH) and power resistor (100 ohm)

I changed these and check all others components, but the machine don't start yet and when use the grip to exit hot water, this component still burn.

I soupose that the problem can be cause from not regular work of the timer selector, but I can't recognize the fault because I don't know how it is made this components.

I ask you if may be possible to have the circuit diagram of this machine.

Another question:
If I will decide change this part, is it obligatory to follow a procedure of instal? Is it neccesary to put on phase (calibrate) all parts?
Know someone this procedure? can I have a copy?

Thanks for all.

Best Regars.

  • Family Serie Beitrag #2
Hi DarkYuver,

welcome in this forum.

Most of the people here in this forum have experiences about Saeco Products. It is very helpful for us, when you put pics from your work into your posts. Maybe the following plan could be interesting for you:

I hope, the profis here (Harry or KSB) have any ideas around your problem.


  • Family Serie Beitrag #3
Hi Taps,

before all, tanks for your answer.

Tomorrow I'm surfing on the net and I found the same site that you have suggest, in other page I found the schematic diagram of my Home coffe machine, see but the quality immage is very bad and a lot of connections are not visible.

I think that will try to send an E-mail at owner site for ask a best copy.

I hope....


  • Family Serie Beitrag #4
Hi DarkYuver,

if your machine will not start check the following items:

1. No LED lits:
- Check tranformer, electrolytic capacitor (470µF), bridge rectifier

2. Green LED lits - Is there any blinking LED ? If not, check:
- 5V Supply with 7805 regulator, value must be 5.00V

3. If the "temperature" LED remains blinking, check:
- temperature sensor (green wires), value must be about 1,9kOhms
- Heater (blue and white wire), value about 50Ohms
- Overtemperature switches, about zero Ohm

The burned parts may be from the power supply:
- ZD6V2 makes sure, that the 5V supply is not too high and will burn otherwise.

Please take a photo and place it here on the board, so we would be able to help you better.........

Best wishes


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  • Family Serie Beitrag #5
Hi kbs,
thank for your answer.

My coffe machine is not digital kind. It haven't a digital electronic controll. It is meccanic.

It have a little pcb and a big old timer with engine and four switchs.

I try to take a photo, but it is very big and the quality isn't good becasue the circuit is very little.

The mesaure is:
4 cm x 4cm
and it have 20 components It use for to regulate the quantity of water with you want do coffe. It have a trimmer for this.

Today I have check all parts separatly (engine for the brew group, grinder, water pomp and timers engine). Alls parts work good.

I think the proble is to put in the correct position all parts.

Know you how are the procedures?

Can I send you the photo?

Tanks for all.


  • Family Serie Beitrag #6
Hello DarkYuver (Luigi),

it is possible to place this photo here:

- use "Dateianhänge" for file selection
- use "Durchsuchen" for browse (to your photo)
- use "Speichern" for upload

Another guy in this forum called "bikermaex" was lucky in repairing this kind of machine.....

But if the fault is in the "little circuit" i hope that i will be able to help you.....

best wishes
  • Family Serie Beitrag #7
bloss blöd das ich kein englisch kann :( das problem bei der sup 001 ist vermutlich ein microschalter das kommt öfters vor wie man denkt ,er soll mal die linke türe aufmachen und die schwarze scheibe justieren so das beide schalter betätigt werden ,die schalter auch mal durchmessen bei mir ist letztens n kabel angefault gewesen
  • Family Serie Beitrag #8
Hallo Bikermaex,

kannst Du ein Bild von der SUP01 einstellen und den MS markieren?
  • Family Serie Beitrag #9
taps,du verlangst ja schöne sachen von mir :) mal sehn ob ich das hinkriege irgendwie ;)
  • Family Serie Beitrag #10
Hello DarkYuver,

"Bikermaex" told us the following opinion:

the main problem of the "sup001" would be a microswitch in most of the cases.
You have to open the door on the left side, check both microswitches put the black disc (which operates the switches) in a proper position (both switches will be pressed proper).
In one case a wire was in bad condition.

"Bikermaex" will look for a photo.

Best wishes


The post of "bikermaex" has been edited by himself:

"Even this machine has a >test-mode<:

Press both of the microswitches and switch on the machine (he believes)"
  • Family Serie Beitrag #11
so hier bitteschön ist das bild :) ach übrigens diese maschine hat sogar einen testmodus hm wie war das nochma beide microschalter drücken und dann die maschine einschalten ,glaub ich, dann ist man drin im testmodus


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  • Family Serie Beitrag #12
Hello everybody,

I test this microswitch from the first time, and they work good.
I saw the photo that bikermaex posted and it seem that only one switch is pressed (the switch that is down) Is it right?

I take my machine in home position powering the engine (group) separately.

Is it need to change the same these switch?

I ask bikermaex if his coffe machine have the mecanic timer and if he can saw how must to place this components in start position.

behind this there are 4 red level, each level have tree position.
The sequence of this level determine the sequence of operation.

Can you take a photo?

I try take from the mine.

As soon

  • Family Serie Beitrag #13
Hallo bikermaex,

DarkYuver hat die Funktion aller Mikroschalter bereits geprüft, er fragt:

- Auf Deinem Foto wird nur einer der MS betätigt
- ist das richtig so (ich vermute, dass jeweils einer in den Endstellungen betätigt werden muß - oder)?

- ob Deine Maschine eine "mechanische "Ablaufsteuerung besitzt und wie die Startposition dieser ist.
- hinter dieser befinden sich 4 rote Nocken (?)
- jeder hat 3 Positionen
- der Ablauf dieser Nocken bestimmt die Funktionsreihenfolge
- kannst Du ein Foto davon machen ?

Er versucht ebenfalls, ein Foto einzustellen.

Gruss Kai
  • Family Serie Beitrag #14
hi ksb ,danke für deine übersetzungstätigkeit ;) ja mein bild ist korrekt der eine microschalter der untere, ist für die startposition zuständig der andere für die brühposition ,die maschine hat eine mechanische ablaufsteuerung nur müßt ich zum fotografieren den deckel runterschrauben und das ist heidenarbeit, mir fällt dazu noch ein das die brühgruppe son ovales teil besitzt das auch nochn ms betätigt, ansonsten geht da garnix, das dampfventil muß geschlossen sein er kann auch mal die thermostatsicherung checken wenn da eine drauf ist, ruhig auch mal die leitungen durchmessen könnte sein das da was angegammelt ist wo man nicht sieht, kann er dampf beziehen? heizt das ding auf ? kommt grünes licht ?wenn ja würd ich sagen das das bisschen elektronik ok ist, wenn nein ,stimmen die justierungen nicht oder ist doch was abgegammelt.viel kann da ja nicht mehr kaputt sein das ding ist extrem robust gebaut
  • Family Serie Beitrag #15
Hi taps,
I try to pubblish the photo but I can't.

After selection and upload (Speichern), how do I do?

I use schlie²en but nothing append.

Wath is the right thinks to do?




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  • Family Serie Beitrag #16
Sorry! now I saw my photo.

This is pcb:


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  • Family Serie Beitrag #17
This is the meccanic timer:



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  • Family Serie Beitrag #18
@ bikermaex:

- vielen Dank für Deine Beschreibung !
- soll ich wegen der "Übersetzung" eher lachen oder weinen ?

@ DarkYuver:

- Yes, you are right only one switch is pressed but both switches must be in reach from the disc.
- the lower one is for "start-position" the other for "brew-position"
- Yes, the machine of "bikermaex" has the "mechanic sequence control" too.
- this control is responsible for _____?

- the brewing unit has one part, that will press one more switch,
- the steam valve must be in "close position"
- otherwise no functions will be done !

- check the temperature-fuses (if suplied)
- take a meaurement of all wires

Some questions of "bikermaex":
- is your machine heating ?
- does "steam" work ?
- is there a green light ?

best wishes
  • Family Serie Beitrag #19
with red color my answer



- vielen Dank für Deine Beschreibung !
- soll ich wegen der "Übersetzung" eher lachen oder weinen ?

@ DarkYuver:

- Yes, you are right only one switch is pressed but both switches must be in reach from the disc.I publish the photo. It semm the the disk is in the same position machine's Bikemaex
- one is for "start-position" the other for "brew-position"
- Yes, the machine of "bikermaex" has the "mechanic sequence control" too.
- this control is responsible for _____?

- the brewing unit has one part, that will press one more switch,
- the steam valve must be in "close position"
- otherwise no functions will be done !

- check the temperature-fuses (if suplied)
- take a meaurement of all wires

Some questions of "bikermaex":
- is your machine heating ? YES
- does "steam" work ? YES
- is there a green light ? YES
  • Family Serie Beitrag #20
Hi Luigi,

please give us a moment to think about it......


Hi Bikermaex,

was sagt uns das ?

Du wirst die Antwort von Luigi bestimmt auch verstehen - nur "sicherheitshalber":

- die Scheibe auf seinem Foto ist so wie auf Deinem
- die Maschine heizt (Thermostat somit ok - oder ?)
- Dampf arbeitet (Pumpe auch ok - oder ?)
- grüne Lampe an

Gruss Kai
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.

Family Serie
