Vienna CPU card - English

Diskutiere Vienna CPU card - English im ..:: Vienna / Prima / Crema / Nova ::.. Forum im Bereich *** SAECO / Philips ***; Guten tag, I dont speak much Deutsch so please reply in English. I have a 5 year old Vienna (black) and now the CPU card (electric circuit board)...
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  • Vienna CPU card - English Beitrag #1


Dabei seit
Guten tag,
I dont speak much Deutsch so please reply in English. I have a 5 year old Vienna (black) and now the CPU card (electric circuit board) is probably dead. My technician wants 180 euro for a new one.. and some more money for installation. My questions:
Is there a good online source for such parts?
Is there a reasonable chance that the Vienna will work at least one more year with this new part or I am wasting my time?
Can I replace this card by myself?
Danke!! :)
  • Vienna CPU card - English Beitrag #2
there are many sparepart sources for saeco machines. Most parts are available at ebay, some german shops are:
(cheap and sponsor of the forums)

(Saeco authorized servicepartner)

The Vienna is surely worth repairing, the chance of gaining a 2nd lifecycle is good.
The CPU-Board is easy to change once the case is open.
Just make sure you marked every single plug on the board before you pull it out.
(disassembly guide)

You should add a description of the failure at your machine, often the circuit board can be repaired for a few cents.
What works and what does not can be tested in the testmode:

If you decide to buy another CPU board I could offer you a working one too which I removed from a machine with broken outer case.
Send me a personal message over the board for details.
  • Vienna CPU card - English Beitrag #3

Thanks!!! The problem can be described likke this:
When I turn on the machine the red light over the coffee bean picture turns on and the device makes a sound like it is starting for exactly one second. Then everything stops. If I remove the trays and open the door, the grinding mechanism will not come out.
Can the pump also be the problem?

W1cht3lm@nn schrieb:
there are many sparepart sources for saeco machines. Most parts are available at ebay, some german shops are:
(cheap and sponsor of the forums)

(Saeco authorized servicepartner)

The Vienna is surely worth repairing, the chance of gaining a 2nd lifecycle is good.
The CPU-Board is easy to change once the case is open.
Just make sure you marked every single plug on the board before you pull it out.
(disassembly guide)

You should add a description of the failure at your machine, often the circuit board can be repaired for a few cents.
What works and what does not can be tested in the testmode:

If you decide to buy another CPU board I could offer you a working one too which I removed from a machine with broken outer case.
Send me a personal message over the board for details.
  • Vienna CPU card - English Beitrag #4

If you open the service door, you may remove ... ... not the grinder. You have to open the hood to remove the grinder.
Probably your brew unit is blocked. Remove this screw (red arrow) ... ... and pull with "gentle" force.
The docking tube will disintegrate from the brew unit ....
I think your problem is a malfunctioning power circuit of the brew unit motor. Please confirm that I understood your problem exactly.

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Vienna CPU card - English

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