Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein

Diskutiere Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein im ..:: Exprelia ::.. Forum im Bereich *** SAECO / Philips ***; ICHch würde den IC auslöten und die restlichen Bauteile eingebaut messen. ( Widerstände und Dioden ) Der IC kostet fast nichts,
  • Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein Beitrag #41
ICHch würde den IC auslöten und die restlichen Bauteile eingebaut messen. ( Widerstände und Dioden ) Der IC kostet fast nichts,
  • Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein Beitrag #42
uhrmacher schrieb:
I would unsolder the IC and measure the remaining components installed. (resistors and diodes) The IC costs almost nothing,

Thank you, I will start there!
  • Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein Beitrag #43
uhrmacher schrieb:
I would unsolder the IC and measure the remaining components installed. (resistors and diodes) The IC costs almost nothing,

On last stupid question... I have a dc-dc step-down 'buck' converter. Could I run the bottom of the 170V DC capacitor to the bottom of the 24V capacitor stepped down to 24V? Its a constant current converter, so I can limit the current.

I took it to the electronics repair guy, he told me to order the new board. It seems electronics repair is a rare art in my part of the world where we mostly extract oil from the ground.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
  • Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein Beitrag #44
uhrmacher schrieb:
I would unsolder the IC and measure the remaining components installed. (resistors and diodes) The IC costs almost nothing,
To make matters worse I just realized that the Ebay seller I thought was selling the replacement is in fact
actually out of stock..
  • Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein Beitrag #45
Just found a supplier in canada and a new board has been ordered! Pains me to replace the board when it's likely all of $2 of components that need replacing. But i simply don't have the knowledge to diagnose the component and it seems difficult to locate a local electronics repair shop that will cost less that just replacing the board.
  • Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein Beitrag #46
Wenn der Versand zu mir nicht so teuer und kompliziert wäre.........
  • Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein Beitrag #47
uhrmacher schrieb:
If shipping to me wasn't so expensive and complicated.........
I appreciate that...And I had thought about that.

I just called the shop and they do have it in stock, so its looks like I will indeed be receiving a fresh board. Ill hang on to the old one.... incase.

Thanks again for your help! Very much appreciate you sharing your knowledge.
  • Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein Beitrag #48
  • Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein Beitrag #49
uhrmacher schrieb:

So, the replacement board came in. Bad start. I paid near 200 CAD. The board comes in an open package and is clearly used, it was sold as new. Not good. I call they shop, they lie very obviously. Their technician just "opened the package to check the board". Obviously this makes no sense. I reply, the board is obviously, not new, quite old, and this price for a used board makes no sense....

Next, I figure, regardless of if i'll keep it (probably not as you will see) or send it back I will install it.

Machine turns on..... great! Here is what I find.

1) The brew group motor (worm gear) is blown. Did this blow the board, or the board blew this?
- I have my old talea Giro, I take the motor out and swap them. Now it's working! Can get a new motor cheap, no problem.

2) The descaling cycle that was running when the machine failed finishes. a) The water is cold. b) There is lots of water in the grounds bin, like its almost full. This isn't normal.

So, i put the machine in diagnostic mode and see only one boiler will heat (boiler 1, not for coffee but steam, I think). When I push the button to heat boiler 2 i hear a noise, but the box does not illuminate and the temp doesn't change. *** I test both boilers for continuity, they both have continuity and show 10 ohms resistance. I think they are both fine, I could be wrong. But I now suspect the 'new' replacement board has an issue.

My plan of action is to make some jumper wires to test running boiler 2 to the heating terminals of boiler 1, for testing. I know, its AC 120V, i'll do my best not to kill myself.

Anyhow, thought i'd write this here, because who else am I going to tell?

Any advice is welcome. Or just some sympathetic outrage for this horrible business practice. I think they tried to call me on the phone to discuss. I will only discuss it with them over email to ensure there is a record of our discussion that I can use to cancel the credit charge at my bank, if they turn out to be real crooks. I'm pretty sure they are the/a official Saeco distributor in Canada too.


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  • Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein Beitrag #50
Eventuell ist einer der 2 Übertemperatursicherungen des Boilers, welcher nicht heizt, offen. Du kannst diese zurückstellen. Es gibt ein Video dazu von mir hier im Forum) zeigen beide Temperaturfühler im Testmodus die richtige Temperatur?
  • Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein Beitrag #51
uhrmacher schrieb:
One of the 2 over-temperature fuses on the boiler, which is not heating, may be open. You can put these back. There is a video about this from me here in the forum) do both temperature sensors show the correct temperature in test mode?
Using the multimeter I have continuity across both boiler circuits, and all 4 fuses. The temperature sensors appear to be correct. One near room temperature, the other going up to 150-160.

It seems like the board may have a fault, no?
  • Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein Beitrag #52
Gemessen am Kessel direkt oder an den Steckern der Platine? 150-160 wäre sehr heiß, da läufst Du Gefahr die Übertemperatursichtung auszulösen.
  • Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein Beitrag #53
uhrmacher schrieb:
Measured on the boiler directly or on the connectors on the board? 150-160 would be very hot, you run the risk of triggering the over-temperature detection.

Ohh, sorry I thought I had answered you before. I forgot to press the post message button..

So, Im now suspecting the CPU board might have been damaged. I can get both boilers to heat in test mode. But there is odd behaviour.

- The machine wouldn't start (come out of standby) on its own. It was stuck, the display said heating but the progress bar didn't move.
- After this I went into test mode, one boiler was at 170C. This explains the behaviour I saw before. After letting it cool I can get both boilers to heat properly.
- If I heat both boilers to around 100C the machine will turn on, its like a manual trick to get past the standby heating mode....But, Its not functioning properly. I cant get hot water from the spout or steam. I was able to get a shot and it was hot, but trying again 10 min later the second shot was cold.

What do you think? The CPU board was damaged in the power board failure? The motor was also damaged/failed. Hummm. It must be difficult to find a CPU board also.
  • Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein Beitrag #54
No, I had the temperature sensors reversed in the board. Im stupid. It works. The board and motor were blown but otherwise it works!
  • Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein Beitrag #55
ICHch wollte gerade fragen ob Du Sensor 1 und 2 vertauscht hast! Aber ich sehe Du hast den Fehler selbst gefunden.:Daumen hoch:
William Pickle schrieb:
Nein, ich hatte die Temperatursensoren auf der Platine vertauscht. Ich bin dumm. Es klappt. Die Platine und der Motor waren kaputt, aber sonst funktioniert es!
  • Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein Beitrag #56
uhrmacher schrieb:
I just wanted to ask if you swapped sensors 1 and 2! But I see you found the error yourself. :Dthumbs up:

Yes, a silly mistake that cost me 4 days of cappuccino! At least i didn't blow the boiler fusses in this way, could have easily happened.

Thanks again for your time and knowledge!

Exprelia HD8856 /Maschine schaltet nicht ein
