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Diskutiere Saeco Incanto S-Class Sirius im English Section Forum im Bereich *** Allgemein***; ive got like 30 volt on first pin (right) 140 midle and 10 on 3rd pin left.... on the wire i get 33 v Ac. this is at pump
Saeco Incanto S-Class Sirius Beitrag #21
Dabei seit
ive got like 30 volt on first pin (right) 140 midle and 10 on 3rd pin left.... on the wire i get 33 v Ac. this is at pump
Saeco Incanto S-Class Sirius Beitrag #22
Dabei seit
I'm not so familiar with Saeco machines, but when I look to the schematics of a similar (?) machine ( Elektronik - Schaltungsunterlagen Saeco Incanto SUP 021Y und Zerlegeanleitungen ) it should work like this:
Waterpump is controlled by T6 (triac T410 700). When the signal comes to switch on the pump (signal on pin G / gate), then pin A1 (neutral wire of 230 V AC supply) is connected to pin A2, which is connected to the pump. Now the pump is switched on. So check for a 5V DC change on A1 (which comes from PIC microprocessor pin 16).
But you talk about 33 V with regard to the pump?
That makes me wonder how you measure. What do you use as "GND" for your measurement? Please take a look at the schematics to decide where you should take the GND from.
(I said earlier 'there must be 230 V AC on the one pin' but I should have said 'either live or neutral wire from 230 V AC power'. The latter is the case here)
Saeco Incanto S-Class Sirius Beitrag #23
Dabei seit
Gisu, ive toocl out the diod bridge...still nothing
If you think the pump should be running, triac and resistors are good, then check if there is any voltage that makes the triac switch on.
So there must be 230 V AC on the one pin for starters, and it only switches if you have some volts DC on the other pin.
@Ano: thanks, but quite different to normal Incantos as S-class is isolated from main so all done with opto-triacs.
@Arsys: lets do the pump first
They are triggered by an ISOxx Opto-triac and 2 resistors to its gate, so you can follow from triac gate to related opto-triac and shorten its output (triac) pin 3 and 4, then the pump must activate if pump triac, varistor and resistors are ok.
These opto-triacs may get weak with time. Pin1-2 are diode (LED) input controlled directly from processor and a resistor.
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Saeco Incanto S-Class Sirius Beitrag #25
Dabei seit
well i shorten pin 3 and 4 and nothing happens.... i measured the input on iso .... on ac and i got 140v.... is that normal?
no, its a LED behind ISO input, so not more than 2V DC, coming from processor with only 5V supply !!!
You cant use AC there, maybe it has been mV not V !!!
Did you measure between pin1 and 2?
Did you change the triac of the pump?
Are the 2 resistors between ISO and Triac-Gate ok with about 47 Ohm each?
It is similar to this schematic:
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Saeco Incanto S-Class Sirius Beitrag #27
Dabei seit
i changed the triacs from pump, and the varistor.
2 resistor show .047 so theyr good. i measured pin 1 and 2 and i get 0.... ive put Multimeter on 200mV and fluctuates alot and spars a bit on pin 1 and 2. I dont now how to measure? Ive put negative lead on -from grinder that i now it works and + lead on pin 1 then 2
Saeco Incanto S-Class Sirius Beitrag #28
Dabei seit
Im sorry but im noob at electronics ...im tring to do my best... problem is that in my town there is no one that repairs this ind of stuf. sorry again if i anoy you. And thax a milion for tryng to help me.
You can measure volts while machine is turned on, but be very very carefully there are many parts on 220V mains!!!
Volts either DC or AC, depending what you want to measure and 200mV range is nonsense at all, AC with >250V range and DC depending what to expect from 20V upto 250V.
Or you can measure resistors (Ohm) while plugged OFF only!!!
If you connect (with a cable or screw driver) Pin 3 and 4 of the propper ISO related to pump while machine turned on it should pump immediately.
If not either the pump triac is faulty or the 2 resistors between ISO and triac, you can measure them with Ohm and should show 47 for one or about 100 over both.
I think its better to buy a used print for your machine, should be somewhat about €70 or send it to a member here for repair.
But we even dont know where you are from and 220 or 110V supply!!!
Saeco Incanto S-Class Sirius Beitrag #30
Dabei seit
Ok...sorry im from Romania so... 220v. i checked every resistor and they r all 47 ... 95 on the 2. i touched pin 3 and 4 on everyone ....nothing happens. I think im giving up...maybe its something between the lairs. IDK. I whould buy a new print.. good one...but i cant find one.