bikermaex schrieb:
So und wie krieg ich nu raus ob meine Software funktioniert?
Wie du wahrscheinlich hat gesehen beim auslesen, gibt es zwei unterschiedliche 'memory areas' in dem PIC.
I will continue in English ;-)
One area is the "Program Data" and the other is the "EEPROM Data". The Program is written to the PIC in the "Program Data" area. This program can not be changed by the coffee machine: it is 'read only' for the machine; it can only be changed by connecting an external PIC programmer, as you and I did. So the program can not be 'damaged'.
However, all kind of changing values are stored in the "EEPROM Data" area: this part of the memory is read/write to the program. For example the number of cups are stored here, the counter of the Hall-Platine (I guess), the options choosen by the end user (e.g. temperature low/medioum/high). But if for some reason strange or wrong values are present in the EEPROM Data, the program may 'hang' --> consider this as a 'bug' in the program.
This type of error can be cleared by just erasing the EEPROM Data memory, after that only FF FF etc. will be reported by the PIC reader. After that, the PCB is 'as new', as if it just comes out of the factory. E.g. cup numbers are reset to zero and language is changed to Italian.
In the past year I encountered 2 or 3 machines that would just not operate well because of a 'hanging' program: after resetting the EEPROM Data the machine worked well again.
Hope this answers your question!